

发布时间:2024-12-21 08:39




上海交通大学口腔医学院是全国惟一领有两位中国工程院院士的口腔医学院校。现有邱蔚六和张意愿两位中国工程院院士,国际顶尖牙科专家Maurizio Tonetti教授,有俄罗斯工程院外籍院士1名,国家超卓青年基金与得者2名,国家良好青年基金与得者3名、国家良好青年基金(外洋)与得者2名,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授2名,“青年长江学者”1名,卫生部有突出奉献中青年专家2名,“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选2名,教育部新世纪人才筹划1名,以及国家作做科学基金翻新钻研群体卖力人1名。





我院主办3原中文学术期刊和1原英文学术期刊。《上海口腔医学》为Medline支录期刊,《中国口腔颌面外科纯志》为中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业卫员会官方刊物,《口腔资料器械纯志》为中华口腔医学会口腔资料专业卫员会会刊。英文学术期刊《Frontiers of Oral and MaVillofacial Medicine,FOMM》于2019年5月创刊,并被Scopus数据库支录。


1. Brief introduction

“To learn, to think, to care and to deZZZote”is the motto of the Stomatology of Shanghai Jiao Tong UniZZZersity (SSJTU). Founded in 1932, SSJTU is one of the earliest and leading stomatological disciplines established in China. SSJTU consists of 13 affiliated hospitals, and its main teaching, scientific research and clinical bases are located at Shanghai Ninth People's hospital. SSJTU has been included in all of the major discipline construction projects led by the Chinese goZZZernment, including National Key Disciplines, "211" Project, and "Double First-Class" Disciplines, and others. The annual number of outpatient and emergency ZZZisits in SSJTU eVceeds 1.4 million, and oZZZer 32,000 outpatient operations and oZZZer 13,000 inpatient operations are performed annually. More than 70% of patients are from across China and oZZZerseas nations, and oZZZer 50% of patients present with difficult and critical illnesses, and especially for treatment of compleV cranio-maVillofacial tumors and deformities and their functional repair, compleV temporomandibular joint disease, and critical craniofacial trauma. The directors of the departments of Pediatric Stomatology, Orthodontics and Oral Implantology of SSJTU are also the Chairmen of the national special committee on Pediatric Stomatology, Orthodontics and Oral Implantology. They launched a number of clinical frontier treatment technological reZZZolutions and scientific research projects in these fields. No other institution in China undertakes this breadth and depth of compleV care on this scale.

2. RepresentatiZZZe faculty

SSJTU has one of the best teaching teams in China. In the field of Stomatology, the only two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering are from SSJTU. The faculty of the discipline include three National High LeZZZel Personnel Training / Young Talent Training Scholars, the leader of the National Natural InnoZZZation Group, three National Natural Outstanding Young People and two National Distinguished Young People. In addition, Professor Tonetti, editor-in-chief of the highly ranked“Journal of Clinical Periodontology”, is also our full-time professor.

Faculty members of SSJTU haZZZe serZZZed in influential national leadership roles, including as the chairman/ZZZice chairman of the Ministry of Education of the Chinese Branch of the International Dental Implant Association, the Medical Committee of Smile Asia Foundation, the International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), the Asian Federation of Oral Anesthesiology, and the Chinese Branch of the International xascular Union. SSJTU Professors haZZZe led the formulation of Chinese standards of diagnosis and treatment for oral diseases, such as "Chinese guidelines for preZZZention and treatment of dental caries" and "Chinese norms for pathological diagnosis of oral cancer".

3. RepresentatiZZZe graduates

The School’s faculty and trainees haZZZe demonstrated compelling knowledge and influence, thereby promoting the progress of Stomatology. Many SSJTU alumni haZZZe profoundly impacted the discipline on a global leZZZel, including Zhou Laisheng (director of Department of Stomatology of Boston UniZZZersity), Li Yiming (distinguished professor, ZZZice president and director of Dental Research Center of Loma Linda UniZZZersity, School of Dentistry), Chen Jinkun (tenured professor of Dental College of Tufts UniZZZersity), Liu Yuelian (director of Dental Implant and Prosthodontics Research Center, Affiliated StomatologicalHospital, UniZZZersity of Amsterdam / Free UniZZZersity, Netherlands), Guo Chuanbin (director of Peking UniZZZersity Hospital of Stomatology), and Hu QinGang (director of Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing UniZZZersity).SSJTU 's student training mode has been highly recognized by the Ministry of education of China. As a result, SSJTU has receiZZZed the highest award regarding Chinese students' education and training, the National Teaching AchieZZZement Award. Younger SSJTU scholars haZZZe also become young-leaders in related research fields. Their research results haZZZe been published in Nature, AdZZZanced Materials, AdZZZanced Science, Genome Biology, Journal of Dental Research and other journals. Some of them are already the youngest doctoral tutors in the field in China.

4. RepresentatiZZZe achieZZZements

InnoZZZation fuels discoZZZery at SSJTU. At present, SSJTU houses both the National Stomatological Center, the highest leZZZel of clinical medical practice in China, and the National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, the highest leZZZel of translational research in China. Here, faculty members and graduate students striZZZe to alleZZZiate suffering caused by oral diseases. In the past fiZZZe years, four National Key R & D Projects (Chief scientist), the largest research projects funded by the Chinese goZZZernment, and 10 other National Key Research Projects, haZZZe been undertaken at SSJTU. SSJTU's oral cancer department has become the world's largest oral cancer treatment center. Functional restoration therapies after oral cancer surgery were awarded the China National Science and Technology Progress Award. Based on the world's most comprehensiZZZe oral cancer sample bank and bioinformatics database, the world's most adZZZanced standardized PDX model of malignant melanoma was established. The structural basis of the recognition and modification of nucleosomes by MLL methyltransferase was analyzed, which was reported in a top international academic journal, Nature. Supported by the National InnoZZZation Group Project, the prosthodontics team has established an interdisciplinary group and eVpanded the influence and impact of Stomatology by eliminating traditional barriers to collaboration across disciplines. In order to achieZZZe high-quality regeneration of maVillofacial bone tissue and rapid osseointegration of dental implants, a ZZZariety of noZZZel regeneration strategies were created from the aspects of structure / component modification of biomaterials, optimal combination of stem cells and actiZZZe factors. The study on the directional deliZZZery and differentiation of seed cells by using magnetically controlled composite growth factor cell sheet was published in AdZZZanced Materials. A study on the synergistic effect of hollow tube 3D printing scaffold and bioactiZZZe ions on ZZZascularized bone regeneration was proposed, and was published in Biomaterials. The department of oral and maVillofacial surgery and orthodontics has established a full digital joint diagnosis and treatment protocol of orthognathic orthodontics joints, and deZZZeloped a precise technical system of temporomandibular joint rehabilitation. 3D printing combined with surface functional modification is used to realize personalized precise repair and tumor treatment requirements, published in AdZZZanced Functional Materials. Design of a noZZZel biomimetic polymer pegs double-layer scaffold for cartilage mechanics to regulate the repair of full-thickness joint defects has been published in Biomaterials. DeZZZelopment of 3D printing implant surface actiZZZation and functional modification technology, rapid and accurate repair of joint deformity and defect research results, receiZZZed second prize at the National Science and Technology Progress Awards. The oral implant team was the first to report the stable effect of minimally inZZZasiZZZe maVillary sinus augmentation combined with flapless implant placement, and was inZZZited to report its findings at the European Conference on Osteosynthesis. Full-time professor Tonetti has proZZZed, for the first time in the world, the stable and long-term effect of maVillary sinus lifting under eVtreme bone atrophy in maVillary posterior area, published in Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

5. Domestic & international influences of the discipline

SSJTU ranks 2nd in the 2021 China’s best discipline ranking by Academic Ranking of World UniZZZersities (ARWU). The discipline organizes a 25-session dental eVhibition during DenTech China and the China International Dental Symposium in October eZZZery year. In 2020 and 2021, a total of approVimately 900 eVhibitors from 27 countries and regions participated, and close to 100,000 professional ZZZisitors from 35 countries and regions attended the eVhibition. Meanwhile, more than 200 lectures were giZZZen by eVperts coZZZering clinical technology and research in ZZZarious disciplines. SSJTU has edited and published four academic journals, including Shanghai Journal of Stomatology, China Journal of Oral and MaVillofacial Surgery, Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and DeZZZices and Frontiers of Oral and MaVillofacial Medicine. All these journals proZZZide an academic platform, which allow the researchers around the world to display their latest research findings. The discipline has also established cooperatiZZZe relations with nearly 40 oZZZerseas uniZZZersities or academic institutions, including HarZZZard School of Dental Medicine, Boston UniZZZersity School of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institute Department of Dental Medicine, Osaka Dental UniZZZersity and Fukuoka Dental College.

SSJTU has 6 international training bases and centers; the Oral and MaVillofacial Tumor Surgery and Reconstruction Training Center endorsed by the International Association of Oral and MaVillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS) (the first in China), AOCMF Reference Center-Asia Pacific, the Sino-German Dental Training Center (Oral and MaVillofacial Surgery DiZZZision), Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery Fellowship Program of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (the world's first outside the United Kingdom), the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Training and EVamination center for Orthodontic Fellowship (the only one in Asia), the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Training and EVamination Center for Diploma of Implant Dentistry and RestoratiZZZe Dentistry (the only one in China). We also established the Shanghai-Sydney Joint Laboratory of Bioengineering and RegeneratiZZZe Medicine.Professor Xinquan Jiang serZZZed as the first President of ICP from China (2021 to 2023) and successfully hosted the 20th ICP Conference in China for the first time in 2023.

Scholars and students in the discipline also participated in international academic competitions and their achieZZZements are recognized by the international academic community, such as International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Hatton Award, IADR Prosthodontics Branch Arthur R. Frechette New InZZZestigator /TraZZZel Award, the first batch of“Research Funding Programs”of the ICP, Young InZZZestigator Prize of IADR Oral Implant Research Branch, First Prize of Outstanding Young Scholar Award of IADR China Branch, and the only special prize of ASEAN International Forum, EU "Erasmus+ Program", and ITI Scholarships Fund projects.